We are actively seeking interested full/part time Ma‘alaea property owners and businesses to help with the workload of this active organization. Please join us and volunteer!
MVA welcomes Peter Cannon as our new director. Peter is a full time Hono Kai resident/Board member. He grew up on the land where Ma‘alaea Banyans now stands and freely shares his firsthand experience about the history of Ma‘alaea. Peter has joined the MVA Planning and Development Committee and is researching affordable wastewater treatment options for Hono Kai and sharing his findings with other Ma‘alaea property owners. Stay tuned…
It’s with regret that we accepted MVA incorporator/founder Frank Russo’s resignation. We thank him for his tireless efforts and wish him all the best with his directorship on the Milowai Board of Directors. Mahalo to MVA V.P. Lyndon Ibele for assuming MVA Treasurer duties.
MVA has done a temporary cleanup of the Orm’s Corner/entrance to Hauoli St. and is pursuing a permanent plan and long term agreement with the land owners. Volunteers and more funding are needed. We have contacted the Ma‘alaea Harbor Master to ask the State of Hawaii to work with us in cleaning up the parking lot/storage facility across the street from Orm’s Corner and will pursue.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) replied to our concerns over the growing number of flights over Ma’alaea on approach to Kahului Airport. We will soon ask the State of Hawaii if they would consider a noise abatement approach that would take the flights over uninhabited areas.
The next Board of Directors/Quarterly Membership Meeting will be held Saturday, Sept. 29, 9:00 AM at the PWF downstairs classroom, Harbor Shops. Other than Board business and community updates, the Speaker will be Sonny Gamponia of Kealia Wildlife Refuge. He will lead a community walk the following Wed. at 9:00 AM at the Refuge off Mokulele Highway.
Read on for some exciting Ma’alaea news and updates. Mahalo for your continued support!
Bill Hawkins, President
Ma’alaea Village Association